Saturday, June 18, 2011

Oodles of Birthday- #1

Hello, ya'll. Today is a very special day: Elise's birthday party. While most of the world does not know who she is, today is one of the most special days in history and I hope she should know that. We are going roller blading today so I won't be here for the rest of the day and wanted to take this morning oppurtunity to tell her:

HAPPY FRIGGIN' B-DAY, ELISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Well, anyways, that's all for today but I'd like to thank Elise (as said so in the last post) for all she's done this year and for sticking with Caroline and me through MUN  and through 6th grade and through everything. Elise, I wrote on your Birthday card to type in this URL so here we are. Happy Birthday, and I hope I'll get to comintue this tradition for years to come.

Elise, if you're reading this, comment so I know you saw it. I can't wait for the sleepover tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anna,

    Thanks for posting my birthday party and for coming and enjoying it with me. You rock!

