Friday, June 10, 2011

Can I Hide A butterfly?

Question of the Day: Can I Hide a Butterfly?

Well, I'm not gonna spare you the details, but this pretty much sums it up: we had this seemingly-fun assignment in class where we had to find a place in the room where could color a paper butterfly to camoflauge with its surroundings. For a normal person? Easy! For an often diverse, non-caught up person like me? Not so much. I'm fast, but not when comes to thinking. I love writing and I have pretty good grades, but that's because half the time I'm zoned out on the question: "How do you find the square root of a hypotenuse?"

Thinking much?

Well, as soon as Teach turned us loose, pretty much the entire class herded like a stampede of rabid wildebeast to the back counter, where what was 60 butterflies turned into 45 crumpled messes; problem nunero uno on my quest for the right hiding place. Luckily for yours truly our teacher is fun and decorative, so she keeps inspiring posters up all over the walls. Isn't that great? My favorite's the one says "Excuse Limit: 0!!!" So sweet.

So I tried my luck at scribbling the outside of that big red bold 0, but what came out looked something like this:
Am I great at drawing 0's or what? Anyway, so I grabbed a new one and looked somewhere else. I had this crazy thing in mind that I could draw anything in this room; and thus it began. I tried reprinting the "Celebrating the New Mellenium" logo on the class' globe. Came out like this:
By now a lot of the spots were taken, and I mean A LOT. So, if you can believe the stupidity of it all, I hid my butterfly-- third and final, mind you-- here:

I didn't even get the coloration right! Oh well... I'm kinda looking forward to ripping it off the couter of the room on the 17th...

So, I think I've learned the answer to the question.

Answer: Not. Ever.

1 comment:

  1. Anna, I think butterflies were on the menu at Typhoon Restaurant, weren't they? (Or maybe just scorpions and cockroaches. Oh well.)
