Friday, June 24, 2011

Born This Way,Fool!

Ma ma ma ma ma ma post for today is...

LADY       GAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, everyone, the world famous pop idol and crazy old bat who powers all exisstence with her catchy, holier-than-thou songs and DON'T CARE slogans. And today, she has even inspired Caroline and me to turn a sleepover into a friggin Gaga Attack!!!!!!!!!!

Photo Shoot:
Me without glasses: AWESOME MAKEUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Caroline: " Cause I was Born this Way, baby!"
Cause I'm a freak, Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Caroline's KISS makeup. (you like?)=D)
Want Your Love

So remember, everyone, when in doubt, go....


All makeup done by yours truly!!!!!


  1. Anna, that was soo fun!!! Gaga is one of my favorite artists.I love her outfits!! GO GAGA!! Born this way baby!:D

    p.s- as you know, I <3 Gaga!!!! whoo hoo!

  2. Dear Anna and Caroline,

    Who is Lady Gaga? Is she related to Lady Godiva? Or Lady Macbeth? Or the Lady of the Lake?

    I agree with the first three letters of her name: G-A-G...!

    Ha Ha,


  3. Pipe down, Dad. You're too mean for Gaga. >=(

  4. Lady Gaga was a Freedom Rider...she didn't care if the whole world looked.
