Ah, the fresh taste of buttermilk pancakes dipped in Old Fashioned syrup with a dap of whipped butter on top. This, my friends, is the sensation generated from eating at the International House of Pancakes-- better known as IHOP. Yes, IHOP can serve many purposes: a place a girl to take her boyfriend for breakfast so she didn't have to cook, or a place for family to eat a brunch.
Or, perhaps, a place to harbor a malicious two-year old maniac whilst Mother is off at a business meeting.
And, luckily for moi, such a place was perfect for harboring Natalie.
Ah, yes, indeed. For those who have met her, you have found Natalie to be charming, adorable, and only hostile to her unconditionally loving sister-- ahem, yours truly. And I am sure that if you have met Natalie Moss, you will also have glimpsed her crazy, unstoppable two-year old "insane" phase when attending such a place.
Of course, if you were in such a situation as sitting across from a toddler who continually flashes her new "undies" to random passersby from under her favorite strawberry dress, you would find something to complain about.
Well, as always, dinner started out as perfect as a peach. Our server asked our drink selection, came back with said refreshments, and then proceeded to ask why in the world we would come here besides to sample a morsal of their delicious cuizine-- in simpler words, of course.
Sirloin tips and eggs were brought to me, an egg white omlet for Dad, and lightly seasoned tilapia with steamed brocholi for young terrorist.
As you can imagine, Nat automatically screamed in delight, for seemingly now adequate reason, only to be hushed by her father. But you see, Nat is not the one to take that lying down. So as soon as we threatened her with no cookies if she kept up her berating of the other customer's eardrums, Natalie took the chance to piss us off even more and yelled my name at the top of her lungs-- with a little extra twist of misproncuniation, I might add.
Natalie has this thing where she wants so run "round and round and round and round." Meaning me holding her hand as she runs at 0 mph around a designated space, with me being her rudder, so to speak.
So, if you were eating at the IHOP just off Kanan, I apologize so sincerely because if there was crazy toddler shrieking and running about back and forth from your table, with a relatively fashionable pre-teen, bun and blue highlights accompanying her, that was us.
Heck, at least we got ice cream out of it all. =)
Yeah, IHOP and Baskin-Robbins were both fun and delicious! Mommy should go to more business meetings....