Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Midnight Madness- The Fellowship of the Noodle

And now it's time for...
MiDnIgHt mAdNeSs!!!!

Ah, yes, I know how you've all been dying  for another one of these... right?

*cricket cricket*

Well, then. Moving on.

As you all know, I started M&M a few days ago to make the potency of late-night posts even more tempting. But today, I would like to dedicate this M&M to someone very special: J.R.R. Tolkien. I LOVE Lord of the Rings! But I hadn't watched it for a while so I gave it a shot; I ended up watching the entire trilogy for SIX FRICKIN' hours.

But let me point out to you that it was so worth IT. Yep.

So today's MiDnIgHt mAdNeSs!!!will consist of a special word that only the true ring wraiths understand. So, without further ado, I give you...

MiDnIgHt mAdNeSs!!!!
Sauron was played by a very tall guy named Sala Baker, who I found has the most ENORMOUS  feet.
Hasufel is the name of the horse given to Aragorn, btw
Isn't it weird that in The Return of the King when they're about to attack Morder, everyone's on horses, but after Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, and Theoden ride out and back again all the horses disappear?
Ringwraiths are really awesome--especially because they bear an uncanny resemblance to Dementors. Hm.
Ever wonder how awesome it would be if you got to play an Orc? All that makeup, screaming at peoples...


1 comment:

  1. Anna, remember that little doll we got from Burger King in Encino on November 24, 2011? It kept saying, "You shall be the fellowship of the ring!"
