This post will be sponsored and voiced by William Shakespeare's ghost.
It hath been many a day since last the great and famous writer Ann Daniels-- to be precised as a pen name-- doth looked upon the pages of thine Daily Noodle. She wishes not that thee neglect to read her newest posts.
She hath been thinking for quite sometime...
Art thou not surprised? Beith it so that ere her intended post she hath been struck tragically by the infamous disease of writer's block, and now hath subsequently returned to update and reminisce.
She hath had it be knownith unto thee that she hath won a considerable sum from doth "Science Fair" and wouldst like to thankith those whom hath not tarried to assist her in such matters, e'en their farness in homeland. Many a heartened welcoming and pleasure to hath been accompanied. Forith more posts, stayith tuned!
Anna, congratulations on your success in the Ventura County Science Fair!
ReplyDeletePursue your dreams always! As Guildenstern told Hamlet, "Dreams indeed are ambition, for the very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream."
Or as Thomas Dolby said, "She blinded me with science!"