Monday, August 1, 2011

Things I H8: Vicious Cycles

You know how you log on to your computer to do something fun, and it freezes, then makes you log in... again? And when you finally get to your designated point of digital interest (here!) then it makes you log in again, then you try and post, and it logs you out instead?

There is a specific term for this tedious transaction: vicious cycle.

Alright, so, for starters, you know how I didn't post on Wednesday or Friday? That's because the computer at my friend's house let me go on to my blog, type in my user & pass, just so that it could maliciously swallow up the data and allow me to roam freely about my blog without being able to go to any other page without making me log in over and over and OVER  again.

Naturally, I threw a fit and tried not worry about it, only to find the next morning that the computer had returned to its ordinary function. How silly is that? It only got worse the next day when I spent ten minutes trying to log on to my PC, incessantly slamming my finger against the CAPS lock button, for it was jammed. When I was finally able to type in my password, I found that the same vicious cycle had seeped mercilessly into my poor little Notebook. And so, forlorn, I was stricken with grief.

I know one other person who can relate to this ordeal: my Uncle X.v. And I say unto him: "We share greatly in that which pisses us off," in the quotes of moi. All for today, folks. GOOD NIGHT, VICIOUS CYCLE!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anna, what was inscribed on the bike of the lead singer of the Sex Pistols?

    Answer: "Vicious' cycle".

