Friday, July 29, 2011

Oh NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am sooooooooooo sorry. I was at a sleepover last night and I... dun dun DUN... I dodn't get a chance to post!!!!!!!!!! I APOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO--friggin--GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Midnight Madness- The Fellowship of the Noodle

And now it's time for...
MiDnIgHt mAdNeSs!!!!

Ah, yes, I know how you've all been dying  for another one of these... right?

*cricket cricket*

Well, then. Moving on.

As you all know, I started M&M a few days ago to make the potency of late-night posts even more tempting. But today, I would like to dedicate this M&M to someone very special: J.R.R. Tolkien. I LOVE Lord of the Rings! But I hadn't watched it for a while so I gave it a shot; I ended up watching the entire trilogy for SIX FRICKIN' hours.

But let me point out to you that it was so worth IT. Yep.

So today's MiDnIgHt mAdNeSs!!!will consist of a special word that only the true ring wraiths understand. So, without further ado, I give you...

MiDnIgHt mAdNeSs!!!!
Sauron was played by a very tall guy named Sala Baker, who I found has the most ENORMOUS  feet.
Hasufel is the name of the horse given to Aragorn, btw
Isn't it weird that in The Return of the King when they're about to attack Morder, everyone's on horses, but after Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, and Theoden ride out and back again all the horses disappear?
Ringwraiths are really awesome--especially because they bear an uncanny resemblance to Dementors. Hm.
Ever wonder how awesome it would be if you got to play an Orc? All that makeup, screaming at peoples...


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Natalie Says: IHOP all the way home!

Ah, the fresh taste of buttermilk pancakes dipped in Old Fashioned syrup with a dap of whipped butter on top. This, my friends, is the sensation generated from eating at the International House of Pancakes-- better known as IHOP. Yes, IHOP can serve many purposes: a place a girl to take her boyfriend for breakfast so she didn't have to cook, or a place for family to eat a brunch.

Or, perhaps, a place to harbor a malicious two-year old maniac whilst Mother is off at a business meeting.

And, luckily for moi, such a place was perfect for harboring Natalie.

Ah, yes, indeed. For those who have met her, you have found Natalie to be charming, adorable, and only hostile to her unconditionally loving sister-- ahem, yours truly. And I am sure that if you have met Natalie Moss, you will also have glimpsed her crazy, unstoppable two-year old "insane" phase when attending such a place.

Of course, if you were in such a situation as sitting across from a toddler who continually flashes her new "undies" to random passersby from under her favorite strawberry dress, you would find something to complain about.

Well, as always, dinner started out as perfect as a peach. Our server asked our drink selection, came back with said refreshments, and then proceeded to ask why in the world we would come here besides to sample a morsal of their delicious cuizine-- in simpler words, of course.

Sirloin tips and eggs were brought to me, an egg white omlet for Dad, and lightly seasoned tilapia with steamed brocholi for young terrorist.

As you can imagine, Nat automatically screamed in delight, for seemingly now adequate reason, only to be hushed by her father. But you see, Nat is not the one to take that lying down. So as soon as we threatened her with no cookies if she kept up her berating of the other customer's eardrums, Natalie took the chance to piss us off even more and yelled my name at the top of her lungs-- with a little extra twist of misproncuniation, I might add.


Natalie has this thing where she wants so run "round and round and round and round." Meaning me holding her hand as she runs at 0 mph around a designated space, with me being her rudder, so to speak.

So, if you were eating at the IHOP just off Kanan, I apologize so sincerely because if there was crazy toddler shrieking and running about back and forth from your table, with a relatively fashionable pre-teen, bun and blue highlights accompanying her, that was us.

Heck, at least we got ice cream out of it all. =)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Making Pie!

Hurray! I have truly discovered my culinery excellence!

Yes, indeed, today I did a special thing-- make brown sugar pie! it was nummy. For Caroline and Genna, here's the link to the recipe:

Today is short, but for anyone nearby, please, feel free to stop by for pie!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Oodles of Birthday #3

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S MY MOM'S B-DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is a post that is late at night because I won't really be able to post for Friday and Saturday, seeing that I'm going on a campout to..... wait for it....


Yes indeed, but more importantly I just want to give a shout out to my mom. She's awesome in every way (except bad) and I am so happy!!!!!!!

Anyway so this was a short post but a meaningful one.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Are we going to miss Harry?

Question of the Day: Will we miss Harry Potter?

Ah, a fine question, indeed. You know, it used to take so little to make me cry; sometimes losing a soccer game would cause me too much grief for a kid to hold. Other times it was merely the thought of someone gossiping behind my back that shoved the cold, hard lump of despair down my throat. But over the years I have become accustomed to this, and have built up a wall to the "stop sweating the smaller things."

Well, thanks to HP, that wall came crashing down after Severus Snape revealed his awe-inspiring and deeply emotional secret/ love for Harry and his mother. Again this sensation occured when poor, poor Ralph Fiennes disintegrated into little pieces of... I'm gonna say newspaper?

Anyway, the point is that the movie was great. The popcorn was aweso-balls (Caroline's catchphrase?) and the shopping was fantabulous.

So, will we miss the Boy Who Lived?

Answer: ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I'm seeing HP7!!!!!!!!!!!


I am meeting someone who is very familiar; he'll be there at the local mall, with a long, black robe and a scar on his forhead: you know him as the Boy Who Lived...



Yes, hallejuyah, I have seen the light-- bursting from the tip of Voldemort's wand!!!!!! I am soooooooooo excited! I will finally get to see the last of all the Potter movies! Oh, the marathons I'll watch after tomorrow. Huh! Qwell, anyways, all for today, folks but, one last thing:

AVACADAVRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *EXPLOSION*


Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Huzzah! I've been wanting to do this for a while-- fake a couple people out, wait until late, and then BOOM! midnight mmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssss!!!! Yes that's right, every once and a while I will be using a respectively awesome anagram(suggestions, please!) to describe how I spent my day today. For now I'll start off with something simple. So, sit back, relax, and get ready for....

MiDnIgHt mAdNeSs!!!!
Nothing to do, nothing at all... but at least I had a friend to call!
Oh, dear! I have a plan! I'll clean up the house, tell Mom: oh, look at the chores I ran!
On top of spaghetti, was lots of Ragu,for I made dinner, and desert tooooooooo (On Top of old Smokey)
Desert was fun, homemade pudding, you see. Made by the one, the only, yours truly!
Loved writing my book, but I'm letting you take a look! (yet)
Enjoyed the rest of my boring Tuesday, but tune in for more madness another day!!!!!!!!

And that's all for.....
MiDnIgHt mAdNeSs!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Reasons to Always Have a Camera...

Hi, everyone. You know, a few months a ago I got a forward on my Yahoo! account. It was entitled: Reasons why you should always have a camera." For those of you who have gotten this forward before should know about the pictures displayed, but for the majority of you who don't.. well, here we go.

Aaaaaw... I can just picture it now: this puppy stayed up past his bedtime... how cute!

Is this where Emily the Strange has been living all those years?

Thinking Dolphin: Your nose is wet and smooth.
Thinking Dog: Your is wet and smooth.

Everyone, meet the feline Zack and Cody... or Cody and Zack. Whatever, I guess this is what passes for TV these days... really, Disney?

This waterbed is most comfortable... fluffy and mobile, yes indeed.

Ummm.... Jackie Chan?

A little help...? ):(


Hawk: This is not a bus, people!
Blackbird: Off for a little outing...

Believe it or not... this was Bruno Mars' inspiration for the Lazy Song.

He couldn't get the girl, but he could get the cake!

What? She's the one that stuck, don't look at me! I am not a bad parent!


Foal: Michelle Kwan made it look so easy.. ;(

This, everyone, is what we call, "The look of the devil."

This little dog is watching "Two Girls, One Cup."

Hold still, horsie!

My tummy hurts?

Ah, it's so nice to see young stars rising! This one will turn out to be the next Lady Gaga.

This is Nike's shoe tester; he is paid to wear, examine, taste, touch, and smell each and every one of their shoes. Makes you feel a little better you bought Rebok, eh?

He's training to be Kitty Bryant! Ah, the bad puns i come up with!

Where's he hidden the catnip? Where? WHERE? WHERE?

What? You snooze, you lose! Dogs can have chairs, too!

Paris Hilton in dog-form.

The top is Lois Griffin; the bottom is Peter.

Please don't squish me!Please don't squish me!Please don't squish me!Please don't squish me!

A domesticated version of the lion king; I'll give you a hint: the two bigger ones are hyenas.

Charlie Sheen?

Bobo the Clown, everyone! Good night!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Have you ever pet a slice of Heaven?

Question of the Day: Have you ever pet a slice of heaven?

Well, have you? Because it's nearly impossible. Wanna know why?

1. You have to drive a long way.

2. You gotta be really good to be get there.

3. It's very stressful with a two-year old maniac kicking your seat constantly for fourty-five minutes.

But we made it. And in my case, my own little slice of heaven is...

Quiksilver and Seein' Spots Minature Ponies and Donkeys Farm.

Aaaaaaaaawwwwwwww.... Yes, animal fans. I went to first a minature pony farm and pet what very well could be the teeniest, tiniest foal in the entire world. Wanna see?

Caution: People with big eyeballs should refrain from witnessing the cuteness that follows. Absorbing too much material may cause serious adorable seizures.

Mini pony mini foal!

                      Apache the medicine marked horse =)
Pooping horse?  

And then there was the mini donkey farm, where I pet an actual turkey, heard and actual turkey, touched a pig, and picked apricots. 
 Yes, it is: a one-month old mini donkey who turned a month TODAY: her name is Sugarpea!!!!!!!!!!
Is his name Wilbur? Nope, sorry. Her name is Ms. Piggy. Seriously, I'm not kidding.

Answer: I don't know about you but... I HAVE!!!!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Vacation Jubilation!

Today is a post that's very, very cool.
A break, oh, yes, a break by the pool.

In a hotel king suite,
Extremely comfy.
In Lompoc,
Yes, Lompoc,
A vacation for me!

Vacation Vacation,
Vacation Jubilee!
Jubilation, Jubilation,
In a room oh so cozy.

The wind may howl,
Concierges may prowl,
But relaxation
on vacation
Is necessary.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Casa de Clubhouse

Are you tired of living in big, drafty houses? Well, you should be, because a new house has been built and is now on the market! Why have large, spatious comforts, when you can have the tiny, cozy luxuries of a clubhouse that about 95% of the world enjoys and prefers?

So what are you waiting for? Featuring colorful exterior and happy neighbors!

 A beautiful wallpaper and a comfy chair, featuring a vibrate setting!
 Authentic cottage-style awning and fake stained glass (non-breakable) window!
 Extravagent drapes!

Call now!
1234 Playroom Ave.
Turn right at the end of the hallway, then head straight down the cul-de-sac!
For additional info, contact Anna Moss, architect and builder of this home

Happy Hunting!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Jawdropper

Guuueeessssss whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?????????


Yes, that's right, good citizens, I am writing an approximately 150-200 page adventure story. Those of you who have already read a sample of know what it's about, but if anyone else on here would like to read it (Gennaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >=D) then email me! I think it's at the top, I dunno. But, any questions, comment!

Oh, and P.S: there is the teenniest, tiniest chance of it getting PUBLISHED!!!!!!!!

(details later explained)